Maintain your good reputation and avoid penalties. Stay compliant with FCC and TCPA regulations with call recordings that are automatically disabled for calls to two-party consent states and regions. Notify incoming callers of call recording with a custom greeting played before every call.
Discover how Kixie can save you time and help you connect with more leads.
Ensure you are staying up-to-date with FCC and TCPA regulations, and avoid any legal trouble with call recordings that are automatically disabled when receiving a call from or calling into two-party consent regions.
Learn MoreChoose to let callers know their conversation will be recorded with a personalized greeting that automatically plays before each call. This gives the caller the chance to decide if they would like to continue with the call, or contact your company via another channel.
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The ease of use and ability to connect to HubSpot was our primary consideration when looking for a calling platform. We didn’t realize there were such great features packed inside Kixie when we signed up. Great product and service. Kixie support is always quick to get back to us when we have an issue. Their chat support is killer!
Matt K. | CSM/ ICP-ACC / Atlassian Admin
Kixie has self-serve, out-of-the-box integrations with 25+ leading CRMs, helpdesks, conversation intelligence, automation platforms, and productivity tools. Webhooks and open API means our US-based team of experts will help you set up seamless integrations with thousands more.
Got a question? We’ve got answers. If you have some other questions, contact us here.